Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Long Weekend [press ►]

Friday; Started off the long weekend by attending Figtree Fridays at the local haunting grounds. There was a good crowd, drinking copious amounts of alcohol talking about the good ol' days. My girlfriend and I decided to cut the night a bit shorter by leaving at around 11. We did this in preparation for the following nights ahead, as we knew they would gradually get bigger.

Saturday; Rochelle and I went to Andrew Topleys 20th birthday drinks, it was a good night because Ben Hewett (aka Carol Brady) had returned from his lengthy stay in Americana. His only memory of America was hooking up with "A real Black Chick" The night almost ended abruptly when Atha Tolios (aka Cocaine Cowboy) picked up a table tennis bat, without hesitation, chucked it in the flue, much to the amazement of everyone. Andrew no likey this. Eventually, everyone grew tired of the table tennis antics by Tom Hooper, making the crew head down the street. Much to the surprise of everyone, the Crown had a huge line-up. Our thoughts were: go home, go out tomorrow night.

Sunday; Rochelle and I figured we needed a big note to end on, so we stayed in a hotel with Karl and Jenna and attempted to go to The Bay. We failed, the line up into The Grand was estimated to be over 2 hours long. The decision was made, we jumped on the tram and headed to the city of churches in search of fame and fortune. We found neither fame nor
fortune, although there was some minor wins at the Casino. Not by us. Red Square was the ending we were looking for. Plenty of Boys, Bitches and Booze to go round.

Good weekend? Yes.


Hooper being hooper.
Topley regulating the table tennis rules.

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