Monday, December 7, 2009
Unusual post-christmas swell has me buggin'
Pretty sure its December 7th, and there is a lot of swell around. It doesn't look like its gonna get any smaller for at least another 5 days either. What could be different from any other Summer? Is it Global Warming? An increase in earthquakes? More people Jetty jumping at Horseshoe Bay jetty? Whatever it is, I'm not wasting a second more on land.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Double Chef, you bloody legend.
Yesterday a bit after lunch I went to the Grosvenor to have a beer with Griv and Andrew. We placed a few bets on horses, and i came up $50 richer after Double Chef placed first. I had a few more beers then originally planned. The night ended in Andrew getting king hit and pissing with blood out of his mouth. The night ended with a few police statements and some pizza, it was a fun night to be alive.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Allo! It's Ally,
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Shack City

Good friend Adam Quinn (pictured with chick) has been blogging since the early days of 'I Wouldn't Normally', now armed with his own personal indy rock blog, he has been turning heads around the world with his controversial topics. The titles of some of his more interesting posts are 'Full Legit Hellman Modsquad Muso' and who could forget 'As Smart As A Faux'
check it out,
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Trips and Mad Hangs With Rad Gangs.
3 weeks ago, I went to Queensland for the Bodyboard Nationals. A day before me and the crew (Dylan, Jake, Henny and Jacko) left for Cooly, I had a skating accident involving me going 40 clicks shoulder first into a smooth road. This seriously tainted my nationals campaign. I got knocked first heat, but still beat a kiwi haha. At first I blamed my shoulder, then I realised I should blame my own stupidity trying to go as fast as possible down a hill that close to an event.
I still had a lot of fun on the trip and I will be heading back to Qld in march for my birthday (because i stuffed up a ticket, long story) We played lots of tricks on Jake Seabrook because for the first 2 days, I didn't see his eyes open once. Here are some pics...
2 weeks ago, I jetted from Qld to NSW to see my girlfriend and get a surf in at pipe. It also happened to be my girlfriends formal. I didnt dress up for it, but I still went along to her 'before formal' pictures. I spent most of my time in NSW watching Austar and going swimming at Greenfields, much to the delight of a girl Rochelle and I named 'chunkcunt'.
I had an alright trip in NSW, wasnt much surf, but it was still fun. Now, I am back in SA and not having much fun eh. xxxx
I still had a lot of fun on the trip and I will be heading back to Qld in march for my birthday (because i stuffed up a ticket, long story) We played lots of tricks on Jake Seabrook because for the first 2 days, I didn't see his eyes open once. Here are some pics...
2 weeks ago, I jetted from Qld to NSW to see my girlfriend and get a surf in at pipe. It also happened to be my girlfriends formal. I didnt dress up for it, but I still went along to her 'before formal' pictures. I spent most of my time in NSW watching Austar and going swimming at Greenfields, much to the delight of a girl Rochelle and I named 'chunkcunt'.
I had an alright trip in NSW, wasnt much surf, but it was still fun. Now, I am back in SA and not having much fun eh. xxxx
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Desert.
Did a mission recently down to a beach not far from here. It only took us, what, 9 hours there; 9 hours back? We stayed on locale for 1 night of cramped man love. There were high winds resulting in Dylan chasing his tent 100 metres down the dunes, much to the lol's of Sonny Harlow and I. We didnt get too much photographic gold, but i have received 1 of 2 'good' pictures of high intencity boogieboarding.
Blog Warz.
I'm an influential person, judging by how many friends have copied me. Who have I 'influenced, i hear you ask. Well caseyvanderstelt.blogspot.com,travis5212.blogspot.com, thebrainofabeach.blogspot.com just to name a few have all started up their own blog, wether its in spite of me is another question. I say good luck to them and Dylan, try to keep it PG.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sleep Awake
Thats all I seem to be lately. Went west, minimal sleep, no energy for the last 3 days, bad grammar with to many, commas = over it.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Dylan and I get bored of the same shit sometimes, so bored we need to find some other shit. The other shit being a left hander in Myponga. It is shit. Sure, its fun, but its shit. It had 30 diggidy dog standups that wouldn't have ever even heard of what a 'barrel' was or even a bodyboarder for that matter. We went out, did some flips and spins, then went in. Highlights of the day: Getting lost, getting iced coffees and finding a funny named sign. woo.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The Long Weekend [press ►]
Friday; Started off the long weekend by attending Figtree Fridays at the local haunting grounds. There was a good crowd, drinking copious amounts of alcohol talking about the good ol' days. My girlfriend and I decided to cut the night a bit shorter by leaving at around 11. We did this in preparation for the following nights ahead, as we knew they would gradually get bigger.
Saturday; Rochelle and I went to Andrew Topleys 20th birthday drinks, it was a good night because Ben Hewett (aka Carol Brady) had returned from his lengthy stay in Americana. His only memory of America was hooking up with "A real Black Chick" The night almost ended abruptly when Atha Tolios (aka Cocaine Cowboy) picked up a table tennis bat, without hesitation, chucked it in the flue, much to the amazement of everyone. Andrew no likey this. Eventually, everyone grew tired of the table tennis antics by Tom Hooper, making the crew head down the street. Much to the surprise of everyone, the Crown had a huge line-up. Our thoughts were: go home, go out tomorrow night.
Sunday; Rochelle and I figured we needed a big note to end on, so we stayed in a hotel with Karl and Jenna and attempted to go to The Bay. We failed, the line up into The Grand was estimated to be over 2 hours long. The decision was made, we jumped on the tram and headed to the city of churches in search of fame and fortune. We found neither fame nor fortune, although there was some minor wins at the Casino. Not by us. Red Square was the ending we were looking for. Plenty of Boys, Bitches and Booze to go round.
Good weekend? Yes.
Saturday; Rochelle and I went to Andrew Topleys 20th birthday drinks, it was a good night because Ben Hewett (aka Carol Brady) had returned from his lengthy stay in Americana. His only memory of America was hooking up with "A real Black Chick" The night almost ended abruptly when Atha Tolios (aka Cocaine Cowboy) picked up a table tennis bat, without hesitation, chucked it in the flue, much to the amazement of everyone. Andrew no likey this. Eventually, everyone grew tired of the table tennis antics by Tom Hooper, making the crew head down the street. Much to the surprise of everyone, the Crown had a huge line-up. Our thoughts were: go home, go out tomorrow night.
Sunday; Rochelle and I figured we needed a big note to end on, so we stayed in a hotel with Karl and Jenna and attempted to go to The Bay. We failed, the line up into The Grand was estimated to be over 2 hours long. The decision was made, we jumped on the tram and headed to the city of churches in search of fame and fortune. We found neither fame nor fortune, although there was some minor wins at the Casino. Not by us. Red Square was the ending we were looking for. Plenty of Boys, Bitches and Booze to go round.
Good weekend? Yes.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
A bit less than a year ago, I began working in a shed in the Industrial Estate out the back of Port Elliot. My job was to sort cockles and grade them so they could be sold to the public. I then told my boss to employ Casey V because he was looking for work. 1 year passes, the season had been over for months. Our boss from Cockles rang us up. Next thing you know he is getting us to pull an engine out of a big fucking truck and take the wheels off which were rusted to buggery. It was an easy couple hundred, made easier by the use of forklifts, oxy torches and sledge hammers. It was a good 2 days (10 hours) of work, learnt a bit about how shit trucks are and I also found an iced coffee stubbie holder. Booyahhhh!

Barreling fast and a Blast from the Past
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Terrorism, It would be one hell of an exciting job. Just going for a cruise down the street is boring for us, but imagine if you were linked to terrorist plots, bombings and other shit. Going for a drive would be intense. Might have the FBI firing at you, haha. Why is lance talking about this? Well, Casey and I had an idea, what if we break into the grommies house where they were all smoking bongs dressed in balaclavas, overalls, wielding axes yelling THIS IS A HOLD UP? What would they do?
Next thing you know, we are at the grommies house, but his mums home. ABORT. So we rode the peewee 50 and played pool instead. Could have been amazing.
Next thing you know, we are at the grommies house, but his mums home. ABORT. So we rode the peewee 50 and played pool instead. Could have been amazing.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Unofficial House Warming
Last night I was chilling at Mystos new house watching bodyboard movies. I decided to go get some din dins from the chicken shop round 7. After eating, I went back to Mystos house only to find the local crew hanging round the joint. First i spoke to an inform braeden slurring what he intended to be "Hi lance, I'm super drunk on this fine evening!" but really came out as "3 bottles for 25" Everyone knew where his night was heading. Spewtown. I had a couple beers with the crew and I was going to go home when Dan rocked up and offered me a lift to the pub, so i took it. Had a beer at the elliot then looked out the window to see a recently banned Josh Dover doing laps of the pub looking for an un-supervised entry. Then braeden barged in with bag and hoodie on and got taken out quicker then his alcohol intake. So there they were, the local fig tree bandits sitting outside of the pub trying to con the bouncer lady into letting them in. It was a fun little night to start the weekend off.
Awkward photos
The Bay
The bay is what the stand up surfers of the south coast of SA regard as the jewel in their crown. In actual fact it is a f*cking shit hole of a wave. On its day, it has an unhollow, spilling left hander which then goes into a 'walling' shoulder which is also shit. In contrast, it develops some good stand up grommets because they half rip in shit waves, such as the bay, then when given the opportunity of amazing waves, they rip.

Thursday, September 24, 2009
"Is there any surf?"
Knights Beach Pro
Truth be told, it was a cracker of a day. Congrats to Dallas Singer, he surfed amazing and made me want to step it up a notch. Just wish i got the waves I wanted in the heats so I didn't have to lose to a still drunk from the night before Cade Sharp. Devo. Hahaha. Least I didn't come all the way from WA like my new friend Philip "Hightowers Twin" Windsor, who suffered a crushing defeat in his first heat. He flew back with his tail in between his legs and a porno of a 14 year old.
Dallas Singer

pic cortesy of Jake Seabrook
"Distinguish Yourself"
Those were the words that inspired me to create this blog. The man who spoke those words, Zac Baillie is a photographer living on the armpit of South Australia -The Mid Coast. I met Zac one lazy afternoon while bodyboarding Knights. He got a couple happy snaps and he said that he would send them through, which isn't common for me to hear, so i thought "This blokes a jive turkey, I might add him on Facebook" Couple months on, I have a blog and the first post is about him.
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